
Our student journalists recently had a chance to sit down with Tracy Oelschlaeger.  Ms. O teaches Agriculture and Shop.  Ag Mechanics includes various types of welding, as well as some small engines, plumbing, and HVAC.  As part of this class, students learn various welding techniques.  Ms. O has been here at White City for three years.  This is her first teaching job.  She received her education at Kansas State University.  As school has recently started, we thought it would be a good chance to check in on how things are going.  “Great, so far,” she says.  We asked her about what’s different this school year.  The atmosphere has changed for the better, she says.  Ms. O says the mood around school is more positive this year.  On the other hand, she says the students are more or less the same.  She says that White City offers the advantage of a small-town feeling.  “I love it here,” she says.  Ms. O is in charge of FFA here at White City.  She conducts SAEs (Supervised Agricultural Experiences), CDEs (Career Development Events), and other FFA business.  As we came to interview her, the students were busy welding, cutting, and hand grinding. (Bryar Harle & Malakhi Kramer)