Kristopher Daggett is a veteran teacher here at White City and Hope. Mr. Daggett has been a teacher at Hope and White City for 3 years. Mr. Daggett teaches Social Studies, World History, U.S. History, and Government. We asked Mr. Daggett how he feels about teaching in both Hope and White City; he said he actually does not mind it because the travel gives him time to listen to podcasts and music. He was asked how he felt about teaching; he said it has its ups and downs, but, overall, he tolerates it. Mr. Daggett’s room has gotten some changes over the course of the summer; he had a divider beforehand, and now it has been replaced by an actual wall. Mr. Daggett humorously mentions that his east wall is one of his “favorite walls” in his room. We asked Mr. Daggett, if he were able to teach another subject what subject would he teach, he replied with. “If I had to teach another class it would have to be English.”
Learning with Mr. Daggett
October 23, 2023