
On October 26, 2023, the Freshmen class was fortunate enough to have the Bank of Flint Hills come down to our school and expand our knowledge on several different things. There were a group of people who came into Mr Killmon’s English classroom and sat us down to talk about compelling topics. They taught us how to budget, save money, invest, tax, and many other interesting things. The Bank of Flint Hills representative said, “It’s better to learn this information while you're young that way as you get older you know what to expect.”  There were 3 individuals that came to teach and help us learn a little bit about what goes on in a bank. They really helped us learn more about how to manage money. Their names are Mason Hinkel, Brooke Hirt and Casey Biesenthal. Mr. Hinkel warned the students about a popular scam, using old-fashioned checks instead of digital technology.  This especially vulnerable young people.  They asked us many different questions and answered our many questions about the new information we learned.  They especially helped us learn more about saving our money and when to spend our money. The 9th grade class enjoyed them very much and we’d love to hear from them again. They were informative, welcoming and genuine.