
Charles Dyer has been in White City for 12 years.  His position is as a paraprofessional, who teaches and helps kids in need. Mr.  Charlie is originally from the big state of Texas.  Mr. Charlie went to school at Waukegan, Illinois.  The hardest part of Mr. Charlie's job is dealing with kids' attitudes. On the other hand, overall, Mr Charlie's favorite part of his job is still the kids.  Mr. Charlie likes riding motorcycles for fun, and for his free time. He would like to be a Harley Davidson mechanic, if he wasn't working for the school. His favorite part about White City is that it's a small town.  Mr. Charlie likes living in a small town because of all the friendships he’s made.  However, some things trouble him.  He says that students face challenges when it comes to attitudes.  He wants all of us to live in more harmony.  ”I went to a high school in North Chicago, Illinois, where I was the minority.  To me people are people, good and bad. As far as attitudes, we could all recheck our attitudes daily.”  That’s Mr. Charlie’s advice for us all.  “You guys are great,” he adds.  “I hope I can help us all be better.”